Domo feature - Integration studio ETL

Unlock the power of bi-directional data.

Empower your users to take immediate action on your data with Domo's open design that connects any system with Domo as the hub between them.

Domo feature connector systems tiles Domo feature connector systems tiles
  • Export datasets manually. For simple data set exports, export data files to .csv or .xlsx format with a few clicks.
  • Use an ODBC driver. If you are already using ODBC for database connections, use your existing driver to access and send data from Domo.
  • Call Domo API endpoints. You can export, ingest, query, and administer Domo via API.
  • Use bi-directional connectors. Domo provides connectors for the most common cloud storage solutions, so you can get up and running quickly, and bypass the need to schedule and monitor jobs. View Connectors
  • Create your own flows with the Domo API SDK. With Domo’s App Dev Kit (SDK), you can perform bulk data extracts and query data from Domo using several options, including a RESTful API and .NET.
  • Third Party Custom Dev Kit. If you can’t find the connector you need, use our dev kit to build your own.

"To the extent we can have Domo help us connect to all of our other applications, that's going to be a big deal. Both ways, not just from the application to Domo, but back again to orchestrate the behavior."

Joseph Puthussery | VP of Digital Marketing, Marketing

Domo feature integration studio connectors ETL menu

Use the Domo Integration Studio to easily visualize and perform tasks.

No matter what data export option you choose, the Integration Studio provides a simple way to set it up, along with tools to manage all aspects of your integration cloud.

"Other solutions can combine data sources, but their presentational layer is still very analytical and Excel-pivoty in nature. Domo gave us the cutting-edge ability to take that data and put it in a cleaner, more visually appealing structure."

Domo feature bi-directional connectors

Bi-directional connectors.

A growing list of pre-built API bi-directional connectors are available for Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Storage, Box, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, and more.

Domo feature developer sandbox connectors

Explore las opciones de integración de datos de Domo.

La mejor integración de datos del sector.

Ponga en marcha sus datos

Descubra qué interacciones con los datos generan decisiones más rápidas y acertadas cada equipo y en cada puesto.

Visualizaciones y paneles de control

Cree visualizaciones interactivas que saquen a la luz datos ocultos.

Informes y análisis de autoservicio

Modernice sus informes con datos en tiempo real de manera que los usuarios puedan autoservirse.

Aplicaciones empresariales

Cree aplicaciones de programación visual o programación profesional que mejoren los procesos operativos.

Análisis integrados

Comparta datos e información detallada de forma segura fuera de su organización.


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