“Domo helped us connect the dots to create new features, build new processes, close gaps and filter out noise.”

Michael Ko

Head of Product at Driva

Driva is a digital car loan platform that matches consumers with lenders to help buyers find the best rate based on their personal situation.


High Tech

Company Size

70 Employees

Driva struggled to manage and leverage all its business data as it expanded into new products and markets.

By using Domo to connect its consumer application info, CRM system, Google Analytics, and product analytics software, Driva is now able to easily access all its data at any time.

Teams across sales, marketing, engineering, operations, and finance now have all of the company’s data-based insights at their disposal.


Driva puts business insights into high gear with Domo.

While shopping for a new car can be fun, car buying is anything but. Driva’s platform helps take the pain out of the car buying process by making it easier for Australian car buyers to source and secure financing without jumping through hoops or risking unnecessary inquiries that can lower a credit score.

To manage its rapid growth and reach new customers more effectively, Driva uses Domo to leverage all its business data.

“We connect customers with the best sort of loan offer that they’re eligible for,” said Michael Ko, Head of Product at Driva. “Domo helped us connect the dots to create new features, build new processes, close gaps and filter out noise.”


The challenge.

Driva acts as a car financing platform that helps shoppers quickly get personalized loan quotes and pre-approval so that they don’t lose the car they want at the last second due to being denied a loan. The company has expanded beyond its original vision of brokering consumer new car loans to broker other products like commercial car loans, insurance, and refinancing.


As the company expanded into new product lines and markets, it found itself beginning to struggle with managing and leveraging its data. “In the first two years, we were collecting all sorts of data through various sources, such as our consumer application info, our CRM system, Google Analytics, and our product-based analytics software,” Ko said. “Eventually, it became too difficult to reconcile data across different sources or create reports using multiple data sources.”

Ko describes the process of choosing Domo as an easy decision. “As we went looking for a solution, Domo was recommended to us as the market leader in the space,” Ko said. Not only did Domo have all the capabilities Driva required, but its pre-built connectors meant that the company could quickly get up to speed without redeploying its engineering resources.

“As a tech company, we could have built out the integrations given enough time, but it’s not our core competency. Our engineering time is valuable, and any time they’re not fixing bugs or building new features sets us back,” Ko said.


“It was great that Domo could simplify the integration process so that our engineers didn’t need to spend their time setting it up.”

Michael Ko | Head of Product


Giving insights the green light.


Thanks to Domo, Driva can now bring all its business data together into a single source of truth. Senior managers across sales, marketing, engineering, operations, and finance all have access to Domo, ensuring that their teams have the company’s full portfolio of data and insights at their disposal.

“Everyone in the company is viewing reports and basing their decisions on what we do in Domo,” Ko said. “One of the biggest benefits is that non-technical people are now able to jump in to create reports or look up metrics.”

Driva uses Domo each week during its check-ins to track progress across its different products. They also use Domo to inform, manage, and track their quarterly OKR process.

“As a part of moving to Domo, we were able to create an OKR dashboard that allows us to drive the meeting from a single source of truth,” Ko said. “We’ve been able to centralize all our insight to power our meetings and reports.”

Driva can now easily combine its data sources to unlock new business insights. For example, the company has been able to slice and dice its product analytics and customer loan application data to create a deeper understanding of its key conversion rates across different customer cohorts, credit score buckets, and even device usage. This enabled the company to identify which users have a higher propensity to convert so that its marketers could target similar customers.

Domo also enables Driva to run more experiments with data, knowing that they can get results almost instantly. Ko estimates that reports that used to take an engineer writing SQL hours to complete can now be created by non-technical business users in less than ten minutes.


“Even before Domo, we were a data-driven company. The difference is we’re now able to get the data we need to make key decisions so much faster.”

Michael Ko | Head of Product


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