How can you shape the future when you can’t measure today?
Ever since my college years, I’d heard that government always trails business when it comes to how they operate. Then several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with The Hon. Victor Dominello, Minister for Finance, Services and Property for the New South Wales Government in Australia. He is shaping a data-driven culture in the public sector and proving that what I had heard over the years was not only outdated, it was wrong.
The conversation was a chance for me to learn from another innovative customer. What struck me early in our talk was the clarity Minister Dominello has about data’s role in his purpose and passion as an elected official: making change to improve the lives of the people he serves. For him, it simply comes down to the fact that you can’t have a positive impact on lives if you don’t know what’s happening on the ground. And real-time data gives him that knowledge that is so powerful.
Today, the Minister gets real-time feedback on new programs and initiatives directly from the citizens, on his phone, to understand what’s working and to course correct when needed to ensure the government is on the right track. Rather than relying on gut feel, intuition, or special interest groups to inform decisions, data helps ensure money and resources are being sent to the places where they are needed most.
This week, I am headed to Japan, where the government is promoting Society 5.0, which calls for a more real-time data-driven culture to improve how the country operates. I am excited to see more recognition in government for the positive impact real-time data can have. I’ll also be learning from customers there and am excited to share more stories about the positive impact real-time data is having everywhere.
There are still many business leaders who have been trained to not ask for real-time data to manage their own business, even though the technology is in place to make it possible. For those of you looking for inspiration from an unexpected place, perhaps, check out my interview with the Minister below.