I oversee Domo’s social media marketing. In recent conversations with my social media peers, we’ve concluded that while social media is one of the most widely used channel by prospects, it is probably the least leveraged by companies. There are more than 325 million mobile devices in the United States alone. They’ve graduated from being devices and tools to now becoming an appendage—sometimes even an addiction.
So how do you reach this large mobile audience? Our social media accounts at Domo have had some impressive growth, and I want to share with you three suggestions on how to make your social media marketing more effective and deliver measurable results:
Be Native
Great marketing is about telling your story in a way that compels people to buy your product. Even better marketing is telling your story using content that is native to the platform by paying attention to the details and unique experience the platform provides and creating your content with that in mind.
A great example of this is Esurance’s Super Bowl Twitter sweepstakes. They made their contest easy to enter by keeping the requirements native to Twitter, simply requiring a tweet with the hashtag #esurancesave30 to be entered. In fact, they kept it so native and simple, that people who had never even signed up for Twitter, could sign up and figure out how to enter their contest. They had 200,000 tweets in the first minute and grew their Twitter followers by more that 3,000% in a matter of days. Pretty incredible.
Be Mobile
The majority of the users on social networks are consuming information on mobile devices. With the rate at which most people scroll through their timelines, making a strong enough impression so they take the time to consume your content is important. How do you optimize your content to stand out in the noise? A couple quick tips:
- Make sure any images that you are using are sized appropriately for mobile, so the user is getting all the information at once.
- Make sure the web pages you’re driving people to are mobile friendly.
These tips should help you earn higher conversion rates.
Be Timely
This isn’t just about posting at a time when most your followers are online (although that is important). It’s really about engaging with effort. It’s about responding to conversations about your brand in a personal, sincere and timely matter. The more you listen, respond and appreciate the community you have, the faster it grows – and with people who really care about what you’re saying.
As much as I pay attention to these three things, I pay even more attention to measuring my efforts. I use Domo as my social media dashboard. With Domo, I can connect social data to everything we’re doing in marketing, watch how social leads convert in salesforce.com and other sales systems, track social leads through the pipeline and see how things turn out in QuickBooks—in other words, I’m tracking revenue from social media with Domo. It helps me see what messaging is really resonating with people and make informed decisions, quickly. If you’re interested in seeing more, ask us for a demo.